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Laboratory Testing for Pets

At EMAEC, we understand that timely and accurate diagnostics are critical for your pet’s health. That’s why we offer comprehensive in-house laboratory services, ensuring that your pet receives the most efficient and effective care possible.

Our state-of-the-art in-house lab allows us to perform a wide range of tests on-site, providing rapid results when every second counts. From routine blood work and urinalysis to more advanced diagnostics, our lab capabilities enable us to quickly identify health issues and develop appropriate treatment plans.

Our in-house lab eliminates the delays associated with sending samples to external laboratories. This means we can diagnose conditions and begin treatments without unnecessary wait times, which is crucial during emergency situations. Our veterinary team is skilled in interpreting lab results and will communicate clearly with you about your pet’s condition and the next steps.

Our in-house lab is equipped to handle:

  • Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Biochemical profile
  • Parasite screening
    • Fecal
    • Heartworm
    • Other Parasites
  • Parvo testing
  • Urinalysis
  • Other specialized tests

Trust our emergency veterinary clinic to provide the highest level of care for your pet, with the support of advanced in-house laboratory services designed to deliver fast and accurate diagnostics.